Excel vba collection tutorial. Planning to build or manage a vba application. Dim x as new collection after a collection is created members can be added by using the add method and removed by using the remove method. Vba collections are more flexible than vba arrays as they are not limited in their size at any point in time and dont require manual re sizing. Note that because a collection can contain either primitives or objects some extra handling is needed to avoid run time errors during the comparisons.
There are already built in collections with excel vba. When you are working on the activities in this vba tutorial it is a good idea to close all other excel workbooks. Public sub example dim foo as new collection with fooadd oneadd twoadd three end with debugprint foocount prints 3 set foo new collection debugprint foocount prints 0 end sub. This on line tutorial will show you how.
The vba collection is a simple native data structure available in vba to store collect as you wish objects. The only way to determine if an item is contained in a collection is to iterate over the collection until the item is located. Excel vba collection object we have seen the vba dictionary and vba array both have a similar connection with vba collection. The easiest way to clear all of the items from a collection is to simply replace it with a new collection and let the old one go out of scope.
Specific members can be returned from the collection by using the item method while the entire collection can be iterated by using the for eachnext statement. An example is the sheets collection. Determining if a key or item exists in a collection. Collections of class object using excel vba if youve learnt how to create your own objects using classes in excel vba the next step is to learn how to group them together into collections.
This blog is part of our free vba tutorial. Tip for the vba tutorial activities. When we use the term excel macros we are referring to vba. In vba collection we can create our own collection of group and provide the item and key to get the value stored under it.
For every worksheet within a workbook there is an item within the sheets collection. Vba stands for visual basic for applications. The built in collections have far more properties and methods available to you but these are not available in your own collections that you create.